Mcafee internet security 2017 operating system
Mcafee internet security 2017 operating system

During a period of high volume, we only had to wait 2 minutes to connect with a representative at McAfee via chat support, so we can vouch for their availability. If you need support, it is relatively easy to get, you can choose between chat support, email support and phone support, all available around the clock. Overall, McAfee proves itself to be well worth the $50 price tag. The icing on the cake is the ability to, ‘Protect every device you own with the same subscription at no extra cost.’ This looks past what other antivirus companies offer as ‘multiple licenses’ and we think it is a great addition to the service. The base product seems to be a culmination of a number of other products in the McAfee range, pulling features from many different security solutions they offer in other packages. This initial assumption is supported by a strong feature set, offering much more than just removal of different types of malware. Mcafee’s most basic antivirus product, ‘McAfee Total Protection,’ has a $49.99 / year price tag and a slew of awards advocating their product, which is a great indicator of good value for money. In a recent test from AV­TEST, the latest McAfee product picked up 98.1% of new malware samples and 99.9% of the existing malware samples, (industry average of 97% and 99% respectively). In terms of the basic functionality, McAfee antivirus products continue to score well with comparative organizations.

mcafee internet security 2017 operating system

Mcafee is filled with great features, from safely storing passwords to permanent deletion of sensitive files. It cannot be denied that McAfee has a lot to offer in the cyber protection world, from protecting mobile phones to safeguarding large organization server bases, but what can they do for you, the person reading this article, when it comes to protecting computers, and should you give them a try? Currently owned by Intel Security Group, Mcafee antivirus products are still a powerhouse in the market, banking on almost 30 years of experience offering PC protection products. One of the top brands in the antivirus market since its inception, Mcafee Antivirus quickly rose to heights in the late 90’s as the most proficient antivirus software available.

Mcafee internet security 2017 operating system